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Vanessa Billy – We Become / Redevenir
Florian Raditsch – With a Halo of Smoke and Flame Behind
Viola Bittl – Take The A-Train
Clemens Wolf #3
André Butzer – Press Releases, Letters, Conversations, Texts, Poems
Manfred Makra – Modena Park
Sofie Thorsen
Veronika Hilger
Irena Eden & Stijn Lernout
Christian Niccoli
Rolf Poellet
Michèle Pagel
Schwarzes Licht.
Sarah Bildstein
Ulrike Theusner
Csaba Fürjesi
Martin Grandits
Josef Zekoff
Paul Fägerskiöld
Paweł Althamer
Ceija Stojka
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Wien 5
La Vie en RoseRock
Anna Meyer
Herbert Brandl
Michael Hirschbichler
Franziska Maderthaner
Stefanie Trojan
Thomas Sturm
This is the Message