Frank Serge Lehmann COVER

Frank Serge Lehmann
Art and Artist. An Eternal Confrontation


€25.45 (excl. VAT)

"In conceptual art the idea or the concept is the most important aspect of the work." Frank Serge Lehmann works according to this statement of Sol LeWitt from 1967, since the realization of his artistic work is always preceded by an extensive research and planning phase. Thus, Lehmann itself has an extensive collection of automats and citations, while the installations live on the aura of the history of the respective converted objets trouvés–the ancient automatons and metal furniture. Conceptual artistic concerns such as the idea of ​​visualizing time-related problems and philosophical reflections, as well as the timelessness of questions inherent in art, are also at the center of the artist's work, which is expressed in numerous quotations from various eras.

In the work group "Art & Artists—at Eternal Confrontation" he addresses different areas of the current art scene and raises specific questions about the topic of being an artist in the art system. With texts by Hannes Brunner, Alfredo Bruno, Dolores Denaro, Alice Henkes, Peter Killer and Nicole Salathé, the Basel-based artist will be presented to a broader audience.

EditorDolores Denaro
TextsElise Allemand, Hannes Brunner, Alfredo E. Bruno, Dolores Denaro, Alice Henkes, Peter Killer, Nicole Salathé
DesignAD + ART Kommunikation GmbH, Basel / GFF integrative Kommunikation GmbH, Biel/Bienne
DetailsHardcover, 112 pages, 28 x 21 cm, 49 ills. in color
Publication date09/2019
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