"There are many things that we don’t see or perceive and which still have a strong influence on us in life." (Winfried Muthesius)
What does freedom mean to us? Can it border on defamation? When do courts reach their limits? Does protest strengthen democratic freedoms in times of pandemic? Can we become as free of prejudice as a child again? How free is the millennial generation? Are the sighs of the victims and perpetrators silently kept in gold? Can art and culture make people better? What does freedom have to do with creativity? Well-known authors between the ages of 17 and 64 investigate these questions from their perspective.
At the same time, individual fates are targeted. Seven portraits tell of people who shared their personal story with the editor and what freedom means to them: from the criminal judge to the gold foil cutter and the paramedic.
Muthesius’ art photographs from his installation “free” are enriching while reading them. They accompany the presented fates and perspectives and develop inspiration for further thinking. The book is the beginning of a discussion about freedom that will continue with all interested parties.