This book was published on the occasion of Kurt Ryslavy’s annulled exhibition Werktagsmaler (February 15, 2020–August 2021), which was replaced by three curatorial projects he conceived under the title 110, Franz Schröckenfuchs, etc. – 200 paintings, large and small. No two subjects alike. Interesting to all. For sale at Angelinna Gallery.
These three exhibitions reflected, respectively, on an artistic encounter in Ryslavy’s early career as an artist (Franz Schröckenfuchs, May 9–20, 2021); his private art collection since 1981 (Le Traumatisme du collectionneur, May 30–July 8, 2021); and the surprising revelation of his father’s relationship to visual art (Le complexe paternel, July 9–31 July, 2021).