Mythos COVER

Mythos Handwerk. Zwischen Ideal und Alltag

€25.45 (excl. VAT)

What is craft? Skilled craftsmanship, tools, techniques, professions and trades are common notions. But what is craft as myth? The French philosopher Roland Barthes defines the term myth as a specific way of speaking about something, as a carrier of messages. With the collected knowledge of three museums and nuanced essays, authors from a variety of professions trace craft as myth in all its facets. They expertly illuminate aspects of craftsmanship from diverse perspectives and respond to the growing social interest in this topic.

EditorMuseum Angewandte Kunst in Frankfurt am Main (Matthias Wagner, Grit Weber), Kunstgewerbemuseum Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden (Thomas A. Geisler, Kerstin Stöver, Ute Thomas), vorarlberg museum Bregenz (Andreas Rudigier, Theresia Anwander)
TextsTheresia Anwander, Martin Bleif, Renate Breuß, Lieve Brocke, Florian Coulmas, Daicho Tomohiro, Thomas A. Geisler, Franziska Graßl, Hans-Joachim Gögl, Pascal Heß, Bernd Holtwick, Katrin Lauterbach, Philipp Lorig, Agnes Matthias, Barbara Motter, Julia Psilitelis, Bettina Reimers, Anna-Lisa Reith, Franziska Schaaf, Joachim Scholz, Annika Sellmann, Eva-Maria Seng, Ruth Sonja Simonis, Kerstin Stöver, Hilde Thode-Arora, Ute Thomas, Bodil Adele Unckel, Grit Weber, Marco Wehr
DesignGreat Design, Wien
DetailsSoftcover, 26 x 18 cm, 296 pages, 144 ills. in color
Publication date05/2022
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