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Gunter Damisch
Talisa Lallai
Norbert Pümpel
Erica Pedretti
Werner Reiterer
Navigating the Planetary
Something Between Us
Creating (My) Order in the World. Selected Works from the Ernst Ploil Collection
Gerlind Zeilner
What if …?
Guerilla of Enlightenment
Kunstraum Niederösterreich
Margret Wibmer
Gotthard Graubner
The Dissident Goddesses’ Network Loess #4
Sarah Oppenheimer
Bruno Gironcoli
Beyond the Black Atlantic
Christine Streuli
Jochen Hiltmann
Laurent Ziegler
Isolde Loock
Lotta Gadola
Evelina Cajacob
Bill Fontana
Kunstraum Lakeside
Kapwani Kiwanga
The Dissident Goddesses’ Network #3
Ernst Weil
Thekla Zell
This is the Message