Chalk Lines is a series of works by Sofie Thorsen from the years 2013 to 2019. An appropriated chalk snap line marker, commonly found on construction sites to mark straight lines over greater distances, plays a main role in these works. The string with pigment in the housing is positioned just above the area to be marked, tensed by hand, and then snapped to the surface in a quick movement, leaving pigment as a trace of this brief moment of contact. In certain works this technique is applied directly to the wall, unfolding axonometric spatial constellations and the three-dimensional potentials of the wall itself. Others foreground the quality of the line, the connection between textiles, body, and space. The unique character of the line is always central, its quality as a snapshot of a controlled action – the release of the tensed string – and the interplay with the now uncontrollable behavior of the pigment.