Sediment 14 cover

Wolf Vostell auf Straßen und Plätzen … durch die Galerien
sediment. Mitteilungen zur Geschichte des Kunsthandels. Zentralarchiv des internationalen Kunsthandels ZADIK, Heft 14


€13.64 (excl. VAT)

Starting from Vostell’s (1932 – 1998) first solo show in Germany at the Galerie Lauhus in Cologne, the book concentrates on his subsequent cooperation with German avant-garde galleries, a feature throughout Vostell’s career, and something that helped him realize his happenings and actions in the public domain and in galleries, which became increasingly complex and intricate, with complementary events and exhibitions. The book includes information on the background to the birth of his various projects between 1961 and 1971 as well as Vostell’s relationship to his gallery owners and artist colleagues and his role, which is not to be underestimated, as a source of information and mediating authority in the international happening and Fluxus scene.

EditorZentralarchiv des internationalen Kunsthandels e.V. ZADIK in Kooperation mit der SK Stiftung Kultur der Sparkasse KölnBonn
TextsKarsten Arnold, Heinz Holtmann, Günter Herzog
DesignTimo Reger
DetailsPaperback, 28 x 18 cm, 112 pages, 142 ills. in b/w
Publication date01/07
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